
Monday, September 28, 2015


*Always Cover liquids and wrap your food that will be stored in the refrigerator because, uncovered foods release moisture and make the compressor work harder.

*Make sure your refrigerator door seals are airtight, you could test them by closing the door over a piece of paper or a dollar bill so it is half in and half out of the refrigerator. If you can pull the paper or bill out easily, then the latch may need adjustment, or the seal may need replacing.

*Keep the fridge at least 10cm from the wall, because this will allow the coils to work most efficiently. They should also be dust-free, so vacuum them every few months, but of-course you have to unplug the fridge first.

*If your fridge doesn't defrost automatically, keep an eye on ice and defrost it regularly. A build up of ice will stop your fridge/freezer from working effectively.So don't allow frost to build up more than one-quarter of an inch.

How to Get the Eggshell Out of a Cracked Egg :

There is nothing more annoying especially in the morning while making eggs for breakfast than cracking an egg and finding a bit of shell has dropped into the raw egg.

Here is a great trick Instead of fishing around with your finger to dig them out of your bowl,Only take the broken half of the leftover eggshell and use it to scoop out those shells from the bowl. EASY  kitchen tip :) !!!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Things You Probably Shouldn't Put in the Dishwasher :

**All your good knives have to be hand washed instead of putting them into the dishwasher to avoid
nicks and scratches on the blade as you also get dull quicker.

**Gorgeous copper pans shouldn't be washed in the dishwasher as well because as we said before it will change their beautiful color.

**Non stick pans could lose its non-stick quality if they are placed in the dishwasher unless you check the manufacturer to see if you could place them or not.

**Don't risk ruining your precious crystals by placing them in the dishwasher because detergent and heat can crack those fine crystals so They should be gently hand washed and dried with a soft, lint free towel.

** Wooden items such as : spoons, salad bowls, chopsticks, and cutting boards. Wood will swell and crack in the dishwasher, cutting boards may split into half so be careful.

 So You can simply save money by being selective about what you choose to machine-wash.

Microwave tricks that make your life easier

Did you know that microwave is not just used for warming the food up? you can also use it in unexpected ways the that save you time and let you get out the best from food .

So here are some tips to make your life easier:

. Before juicing a citrus fruit like lemon or orange ,just put it for only 10 to 20 seconds in your microwave to soften it up a little bit and will yield you the most juice without straining your muscles.

. Before peeling  the garlic,just place it in the microwave for 20 seconds and cloves will slide out of the skin .

. If you want to enjoy a tear free onion chopping, just trim off its ends,place it in the microwave for 30 seconds remove and chop.

. Wants to drink a morning cup of coffee with foamed milk? just put the milk in a mason jar , shake it for 30 seconds then place in microwave for another 30 seconds and look at the foam rise.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clean your smelly fridge

How to clean your smelly #fridge:

1.Unplug the #refrigerator.
2.Make a mixture of baking soda and warm water. 
3.Wash all the shelves ,the walls and all the removable parts of your #fridge.
4.To avoid everyday odor,leave a an open box of baking soda in your #fridge.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Chest freezer

Do you know that chest freezers do not defrost automatically?

You have to  manually defrost your chest freezer every six months to one year or whenever half an inch of frost has accumulated on the freezer walls.

How to defrost your chest freezer manually:

  • Relocate all food from the freezer.
  • Unplug the unit (or turn off the thermostat).
  • After all of the frost has melted, uncover the drain plug (present in most models) and drain the water.
  • When the freezer is dry, power the unit back on.
  • Return the food when the freezer has reached its set operating temperature  zero degrees Fahrenheit (approximately -18 degrees Celsius).

Appliance repairs

Like any other ‪#‎appliance‬, your ‪#‎dryer‬ may develop problems over its lifetime that causes it to malfunction. A lot of these problems are preventable with some consistent. Call our #appliance ‪#‎repair‬ service today to take ‪#‎excellent‬ care of your #dryer.
VA : 703-940-1988 /MD : 301-288-6031 /DC : 202-800-1356

Appliance Woodbridge VA

It is our priority to only provide the best services in Town. We service all Major, In-Home & Commercial Appliances. (Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Air Conditioners, Stoves, Ovens, Microwaves, Ice Makers, Coolers, Freezers and Cook Tops in all Major Brands.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Limit the number of times you open the #refrigerator door,because the air suction created by the action of opening the door causes the #refrigerator to lose more air than if the door were left open a little longer instead.

Did you Know ?

Did you know that the first reliable (hand-powered) ‪#‎dishwasher‬ was invented in 1887 by Josephine Cochrane and unveiled at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. Cochrane was quite wealthy and never washed dishes herself; she reportedly invented the dishwasher because her servants were chipping her fine china.

Clean the inside of your ‪Microwave

Need to clean the inside of your ‪#‎microwave‬:
1. Mix 1/2 cup each of ‪#‎water‬ and ‪#‎vinegar‬ in a #microwave safe glass container.
2. Put it in microwave and heat up for 2-3 min.
3. Let microwave sit for 3-5 min with door closed.
4. Remove container, watch out it will be hot, and wipe down the inside with a paper towel.

Appliance Woodbridge VA

We understand what a massive inconvenience can be if your ‪#‎appliance‬is not working properly and we are committed to bringing you the best service as quickly as possible to get your home back to normal.

Our technicians are ‪#‎efficient‬‪#‎knowledgeable‬, and friendly, with many years of experience repairing many different kinds of appliances: (Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Air Conditioners, Stoves, Ovens, Microwaves, Ice Makers, Coolers, Freezers and Cook Tops in all Major Brands.

Call us Now : VA : 703-940-1988 /MD : 301-288-6031 /DC : 202-800-1356